
Determine the strategic direction and strategic focus of a company.

Solution Overview

The solution is SAAS (Solution as a service) based.

It enable users to manage Vision, Mission, Core Values.

It enables users to perform and note SWOT analysis.

It enables users to determine Objective, its measures and initiatives with a defined start and end dates.

It enables users to create/add/maintain users and assign the objectives and initiatives.

It enables app to remind / email users for their upcoming objectives and initiatives

It enables users to benchmark, monitor and track results

Challenges / Business Problems

Build product with features like

  • Determine the strategic direction and strategic focus of a company.

  • Determine SWOT

  • Create and maintain objective in relation to SWOT

  • Ability to Perform Market Analytics.

  • Gather, Download and Analyze the State / County / Zip Code and Census Tract level Demographic data like Income, Age, Household etc

  • Plot various demographic data on the map for various visualization and analysis purpose.

  • Generate various reports with a facility to export to Excel / PDF.

User Overview





Project Overview


2-4 weeks Sprint – iterative method 

Team Size: 3


Dev Tools

  • MS Visual Studio 2013

  • MS SQL Server 2014

  • .NET Framework 2.0 & 4.5

  • MS FxCop, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Project, PDF Tool

  • Google Maps