
Generate reports with a count of vehicles, identified and unidentified vehicles, total vehicles, frame-wise count, average vehicles of various types in a defined time frame, and exceptions report etc.

Solution Overview

A desktop-based application.

Enable users to select a video traffic video, perform analysis and reports about the vehicles in the video.

A facility to manually count a vehicle by pressing pre-defined keys.

Generate reports with a count of vehicles, identified and unidentified vehicles, total vehicles, frame-wise count, average vehicles of various types in a defined time frame, and exceptions report etc.

Challenges / Business Problems

Build product with features like

  • Analyze a video of any format.

  • Ability to configure vehicles types for which the analysis should be performed.

  • Provide a count of vehicles of every vehicle type configured in the system.

  • Provide the overall total count, most frequent vehicles, least frequent vehicles.

  • Maintain a log and generate a log a detailed log of every analysis performed.

  • Ability to pause/play/rewind/forward a video.

  • Ability to configure keys for each vehicle types for manual counting.

  • Ability to select a video of various formats like .avi, .mts, .mpg and mp4.

User Overview



Project Overview


2 weeks Sprint – iterative method

Team Size: 3


Dev Tools

  • MS Visual Studio 2013

  • MS SQL Server 2012

  • .NET Framework 4.5

  • MS FxCop, MS Excel, MS Word